All Major Credit Cards Accepted

A State Payroll Reporting Program for ZPay!

Works with PayWindow from ZPay Payroll Systems.

Federal 940 for Year 2023

California DE-9 E-File Creator included!

Texas C-3 E-File Creator included!

Florida RT-6 E-File Creator included!

NYS-45 E-File Creator included!

State Payroll Forms is a Software Program that creates State Payroll Reports/Forms that must be filed with your state. No need to manually create these forms. State Payroll Forms creates them in Seconds by reading the PayWindow Company File directly! It also provides additional management reports.

State Payroll Forms creates the 2023 Federall 940 Form.

State Payroll Forms produces reports for Arizona, California, Florida Web Upload, Illinois, New York Web Upload, North Carolina and Texas. State Payroll Forms also includes 3 payroll journal reports and 3 general unemployment reports that most other states accept.

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State Payroll Forms Features

Sample Forms