What is State Payroll Reporter and How is it Used?State Payroll Reporter is a State Payroll Reporting Software Program (utility) that automates the quarterly and some annual payroll tax reports that must be filed with your state. It also provides additional management reports. What States/Reports are currently supported?State Payroll Reporter produces reports for Arizona, California, Florida Web Upload, Illinois, New York Web Upload, North Carolina and Texas. State Payroll Reporter also includes 3 general unemployment reports that most other states accept. State Payroll Reporter also does Magnetic Media for:
1. California DE-9C 2. Florida RT-6 3. New York NYS-45 4. Texas C-3 E-File Creator 5. Illinois C-3 E-File CreatoMonthly/Quarterly Unemployment CSV Reportingr Click here to view samples of all the reports you get. How much does State Payroll Reporter cost?State Payroll Reporter cost $29.00 Per Year. How Does State Payroll Reporter Extract Data From ezPaycheck?State Payroll Reporter reads the ezPaycheck company file and uses the information to layout Tax Reports. State Payroll Reporter does not update any of your company data. Using State Payroll Reporter Is As Easy As...
State Payroll Reporter - Product Features
Extra Reports Included:
System Requirements
Product Technical SupportTechnical Support: Purchase of State Payroll Reporter includes free technical support for 30 Days by telephone or email for installation and use of State Payroll Reporter only. How To Order State Payroll Reporter: