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Verifying Data
How to Verify the Data on your ReportsReportwiz creates reports based
on the data stored in your QuickBooks company file. If you suspect that
the data on a report is not correct, follow these steps to compare the
ReportWiz report with your QuickBooks data. Important note: If
the data in QuickBooks matches the data on the SPR reports, but you still
think the numbers are incorrect, the error is somewhere in your QuickBooks
data.DE-6 - Verifying Subject Wages in QuickBooks: If you have
QuickBooks version 6, 99 or 2000, follow these steps:
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the appropriate quarter.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Company Taxes section and double-click on the
CA - Unemployment Company (or whatever your SUI Item is called)
figure in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by
Payroll Item report.
At the top of the Transactions by Payroll Item Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving the CA-Unemployment Company payroll item
for each employee during the quarter. The total of the Income
Subject to Tax column for each employee should match that employee’s
Total Subject Wages on the DE-6. This is the figure in the far-left
column on the DE-6.
If you see zero amounts in the Income Subject to Tax column,
it is probably because your QuickBooks file was upgraded from QuickBooks
version 5 or below. In this case, you’ll need to use the method
shown for version 5.
If you have QuickBooks version 5, follow these steps:
Create a Payroll Item Report. Select the Reports menu, then
select List Reports, and then select Payroll Item.
Customize the Payroll Item Report to show the Affect SUI
Print the Payroll Item Report.
Create a Transaction Detail by Date report for the appropriate
quarter. Select the Reports menu, then select Transaction Detail,
and then select by Date.
Filter this report to include only the earnings, additions, commissions,
and deductions items that affect SUI. These are the ones that show
a Yes in the Affect SUI column on the Payroll Item Report.
At the top of the Transactions Detail by Date Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving earnings, commissions, additions, or deductions
that are subject to SUI for each employee during the quarter. The
total of the Amount column for each employee should match that employee’s
Total Subject Wages on the DE-6. This is the figure in the far-left
column on the DE-6.
DE-6 - Verifying PIT Wages in QuickBooks: If you have QuickBooks
version 6, 99, or 2000, follow these steps:
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the appropriate quarter.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Taxes Withheld section and double-click on the
CA - Withholding (or whatever your State Withholding Item is called)
figure in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by
Payroll Item report.
At the top of the Transactions by Payroll Item Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving the CA-Withholding payroll item for each
employee during the quarter. The total of the Income Subject
to Tax column for each employee should match that employee’s
Total PIT Wages on the DE-6. This is the figure in the middle column
on the DE-6.
If you see zero amounts in the Income Subject to Tax column,
it is probably because your QuickBooks file was upgraded from QuickBooks
version 5 or below. In this case, you’ll need to use the method
shown for version 5.
If you have QuickBooks version 5, follow these steps:
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the appropriate quarter.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Taxes Withheld section and double-click on the
CA - Withholding (or whatever your State Withholding Item is called)
figure in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by
Payroll Item report.
Customize this report to show the Wage Base column.
At the top of the Transactions by Payroll Item Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving the CA-Withholding payroll item for each
employee during the quarter.
The total Wage Base for each employee should match that
employee’s Total PIT Wages on the DE-6. This is the figure in the
middle column on the DE-6.
DE 6 report – PIT Withheld:
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the appropriate quarter.
This report shows the total PIT Withheld for each employee on the
line called CA-Withholding. Compare the total withholding for each
employee with the Total PIT Withheld on the DE-6. This figure is
in the far-right column on the DE-6.
DE 6 report – Employee Counts: The Employee counts fields are
calculated by summing up the number of employees who have a paycheck during
each month of the quarter. Technically, the employee counts for each month
should represent the total number of employees "who worked during
or received pay for the period that includes the 12th of the
month." If necessary, you can override these amounts after
the Get Payroll Data process finishes. Just change the numbers on the
ReportWiz screen prior to clicking on Create Report.DE 7 Line C – Subject
Wages: If you have QuickBooks version 6, 99, or 2000, follow these
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the year.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Company Taxes section and double-click on the
CA - Unemployment Company (or whatever your SUI Item is called)
figure in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by
Payroll Item report.
At the top of the Transactions by Payroll Item Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving the CA-Unemployment Company payroll item
for each employee during the year. The total of the Income Subject
to Tax column for each employee should match that employee’s
Total Subject Wages on line C of the DE-7.
If you see zero amounts in the Income Subject to Tax column,
it is probably because your QuickBooks file was upgraded from QuickBooks
version 5 or below. In this case, you’ll need to use the method
shown for version 5.
If you have QuickBooks version 5, follow these steps:
Create a Payroll Item Report. Select the Reports menu, then
select List Reports, and then select Payroll Item.
Customize the Payroll Item Report to show the Affect SUI
Print the Payroll Item Report.
Create a Transaction Detail by Date report for the year.
Select the Reports menu, then select Transaction Detail, and then
select by Date.
Filter this report to include only the earnings, additions, commissions,
and deductions items that affect SUI. These are the ones that show
a Yes in the Affect SUI column on the Payroll Item Report.
At the top of the Transactions Detail by Date Report window, set
the Total by field to Employee. This report now shows all
transactions involving earnings, commissions, additions, or deductions
that are subject to SUI for each employee during the year. The total
of the Amount column for each employee should match that employee’s
Total Subject Wages on line C of the DE-7.
DE-7 UI Taxable Wages (QB Version 5, 6, 99 & 2000)
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the year.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Company Taxes section and double-click on the
CA - Unemployment Company (or whatever your SUI Item is called)
figure in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by
Payroll Item report.
Customize the report to show the Wage Base column.
The total of the Wage Base column should match the UI Taxable
Wages on the DE-7.
DE-7 DI Taxable Wages (QB Version 5, 6, 99 & 2000)
Launch QuickBooks and create a Payroll Summary Report for
the year.
Scroll to the far right of the report to the Total column.
Scroll down to the Company Taxes section and double-click on the
CA – Disability Employee (or whatever your SDI Item is called) figure
in the Total column. This displays the Transactions by Payroll
Item report.
Customize the report to show the Wage Base column.
The total of the Wage Base column should match the DI Taxable
Wages on the DE-7.
DE-7 UI Contributions (QB Version 5, 6, 99& 2000)To calculate
UI Contributions, ReportWiz looks up the SUI Rate on the state unemployment
payroll item in QuickBooks. It then multiplies this amount times the UI
Taxable Wages.DE-7 Field E2 – ETT Contributions (QB Version 5, 6, 99,
& 2000 Calculation)To calculate ETT Contributions, ReportWiz looks
up the ETT Rate on the CA – Employee Training Tax payroll item in QuickBooks.
It then multiplies this amount times the UI Taxable Wages.DE-7 Field
F3 – DI Employee Contributions Withheld (QB Version 5, 6, 99 & 2000
Calculation)To calculate DI Contributions, ReportWiz looks up the
SDI Rate on the state disability payroll item in QuickBooks. It then multiplies
this amount times the DI Taxable Wages.DE-7 Line G – PIT Withheld (QB
Version 5, 6, 99 & 2000 Calculation)To calculate PIT Withheld,
create a payroll summary report. The total withholding is shown in the
total column (far-right column) of this report.DE 7 report – Previous
Launch QuickBooks and create a Transaction Detail by Date Report
for the year.
Filter this report to include transaction type Payroll Liability
Checks only.
Filter this report to include liability accounts only.
Filter this report to include payroll items CA-Withholding,
CA-Disability Employee, and CA-Unemployment Company.
If you have QuickBooks version 6 or higher, filter this report
to include Paid Through to include the entire year.
The total in the Amount column should match the Previous payments
on the DE-7.
In QuickBooks version 5, there is no support for the Paid Through
filter. Therefore, you can run the transaction detail report as shown
in step 1-5 above. This only shows payments made during the year, so if
any payments were made after the end of the year, you’ll need to modify
the calculated amount on the ReportWiz screen. Do this after the Get Payroll
Data process, and before the Create Report step.
Federal 941 Schedule B
Launch QuickBooks and create an Employee Earnings Summary Report
for the Quarter.
Filter this report to include the 5 Federal Payroll Items.
Add up all the amounts and this will equal total liability for
the Quarter.
Unemployment Reports
Launch QuickBooks and create an Employee Earnings Summary Report
for the Quarter.
Filter this report to include ONLY the SUI Payroll Item.
Close the Filter Screen.
Hit ENTER to bring up all the transactions.
Filter the Transaction Report to include all Employees.
Change the Total by to Employee.
The Income Subject to Tax field Shows the Gross Wages.
The Wage Base shows Taxable Wages.

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